Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Phil Ochs.

 Even after these long years, songs keep turning up by this prolific but haunted young man who sadly took his own life. Disenchanted with war and suffering and his inability to change things through the power of song his long and sad decline was to end in suicide. But he left behind a legacy of meaningful and poignant songs, which have never dated. This is a recent discovery which is very meaningful to someone of my great age. Remember the lesson too, "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" or as the posh people say, "Carpe deum".

There is only one mankind.

Monday 26 November 2012

Israel - World Terrorists

"War crimes 5" by Carlos Latuff.
"War crimes 5" by Carlos Latuff. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
From my time working in intelligence I know of the many terrorist acts that Mossad, the Israeli government sponsored terrorist organisation, is responsible for. And why are the Israeli leaders not accused of War Crimes? Abbey Martin (above), at least, is honouring her profession and reporting the truth.
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Monday 29 October 2012

Great Lost Comedians Part1 - SHADWELL

Shadwell used to make bit appearances, for a brief while, on a television show whose name I have long forgotten. Then he disappeared overnight, as so many do, but he made me laugh and for that I thank him.

Friday 26 October 2012

SCANDAL at the BBC and Beyond.

Queen of United Kingdom (as well as Canada, Au...
Queen of United Kingdom (as well as Canada, Australia, and other Commonwealth realms) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Jimmy Savile
Cover of Jimmy Savile
 The grave accusations against Jimmy Saville and his activities at the BBC and beyond, amongst other issues, brings into question the credibility of the honours system in the United Kingdom. This friend of royalty and Prime Minister's was awarded a knighthood By H M the Queen as have other crooks and villains like Royal Bank of Scotland chief Fred Goodwin and fraudster Lester Piggott.
 You can search elsewhere for the list of assorted murky, villains, crooks, fraudsters, criminals and pedophiles who have been awarded a knighthood By Queen Elizabeth II  and for those worthies who have declined an award under the U K honours system. Surely it is time to call an end to the annual awards of these dishonours to the rich and famous as most are awarded medals of the British Empire, which is an anachronism in itself, as we no longer have one.

 Of course the biggest sycophants of the Queen are employed at the BBC who go to no end of trouble to ensure that her, or one of her ilk, or bastards appear on our TV  screens everyday. Indeed I think that to be recruited at the BBC at all one is compelled to kiss the royal arse before one is appointed.

 However, enough of this idle prejudicial nonsense. There are those out there on the internet who have much more information on the seedy goings on in this country and I would commend the following   den of iniquity for those who wish to get up to date on some of the present goings on. More to follow.
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Sunday 16 September 2012

Phil Ochs - There But For Fortune.

Those few of you who follow this site know that I have been a life long admirer of Phil Ochs. For the last 7 months I have been trying, with his friends and associates, to get a tribute biodoc about him shown in this country by a TV network, without success. Although it is available as a Region 1 (USA) DVD it has not been released in Region 2 (European and Asian) format.  However, although it is not possible yet to view it here on You Tube, if you follow the link below and press the photograph of Joan Baez headed "PBS American Masters Videos" you should be able to watch it. It lasts for about 83 minutes and as well as being of interest to the many Och's fans it is also fascinating to view the historical context of much of the film.

PBS - Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune

Thursday 26 July 2012

Phil Ochs, Victor Jara and the Shame of the USA

The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency....
The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency. The first use was in September 1966, replacing an older seal which was used briefly. For more information, see here and here. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 I have many American friends, mainly in the spying business from their National Security Agency. They are decent, humane and kind human beings. And yet their nation is responsible for more innocent deaths than any country in history. From Japan to Vietnam, to Cuba and onto Iraq  and Afghanistan and the list goes on and on and on.
 The country has always been controlled by right wing extremists.and those who have been brave enough to speak out are considered un-American, or communists and have been consistently victimised for their views. One such noble fellow was Phil Ochs and a documentary called, "There But For Fortune" has recently been released in the States but unfortunately, despite my best efforts, seems unable to get a showing on television in the United Kingdom. However extracts are starting to appear on You Tube and the following records his association and support for the Chilean singer Victor Jara:-

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Friday 13 July 2012

Bradley Wiggins, Sue Barker and The BBC

Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune
Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The BBC sink lower and lower in my estimation. They are dumbing down the programme content where no serious issues are tackled anymore, or indeed decent drama or programmes on popular culture. Arena where are you now - and why are they not showing the Phil Ochs documentary, "There But For Fortune"? They have become the platform of the middle classes where the announcers and interviewers only have posh accents and no searching questions are asked for fear of offending the miscreant in the lens. The current executives would do well to read the "Wires and Lights" speech of Ed Murrow in which he decried the television channels for not tackling serious issues but devoting their time to providing the audience with chewing gum for the mind.

 They have just come out of their orgy on the Queens Jubilee and Wimbledon (isn't Murray an SNP supporter who wants nothing to do with England?) and are about to do the same over the Olympics (drugs bribes and all). Meanwhile one of the greatest endurance tests in the world, The Tour De France, is all but being ignored, and commentary is confined to a remote DAB channel that I can't even receive. I would love to see the plummy voiced Barker interviewing the current race leader Bradley Wiggins who in response to a question in a post-stage press conference when asked what he thought about people who point fingers at Team Sky and hinted that he is doping replied:-

“I say they’re just fecking wankers. I cannot be doing with people like that. 

It justifies their own bone-idleness because they can’t ever imagine applying themselves to do anything in their lives. 

It’s easy for them to sit under a pseudonym on Twitter and write that sort of shit, rather than get off their arses in their own lives and apply themselves and work hard at something and achieve something. And that’s ultimately it. fannys.”
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Monday 9 July 2012

The Second Coming is Overdue.

Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister 1945-51
Clement Attlee, British Prime Minister 1945-51 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 I am approaching the evening of my life and I can never recall a period where there has been such a political, moral and cultural vacuum as exists at this moment.  As a young man in the sixties for a fleeting moment our generation was foolish enough to think that we were going to put an end to the evils of  poverty, war  and social division. And yet starvation and disease are rampant across much of the world and governments, who tell their citizens that there are no alternatives to austerity, continue to spend billions of pounds on arms and allow the rich to get richer whilst the poor get poorer.

 Nor is there any solace  to be found in the religions of the world where the conservatives in charge strive to maintain their grip on power and, in so doing, allow the zealots and extremists their head. However I refuse to be downcast and one of the lessons of history is always to expect the unexpected.

 In late 1922 an election candidate, who had risen to the rank of major in the First World War and suffered injury and terrible dysentery from the trenches, wrote in his first election address, "Like many of you I took part in the Great War in the hope of securing lasting peace and a better life for all. We were promised that wars should end, that ... the men who fought in the War would be cared for, and that unemployment, slums and poverty would be abolished. I stand for life against wealth.  I claim the right of every man, woman and child in the land to have the best life that can be provided. Instead of the exploitation of the mass of the people in the interests of a small rich class, I demand the organisation of the country in the interests of all.." He narrowly defeated the popular sitting MP, who although a Liberal, stood for Limehouse with the official support of the Conservative Party.

 In late November of 1922 he said in his first speech in the House of Commons, "Why was it in the war that we were able to find employment for everyone? It was simply that the Government controlled the purchasing power of the nation. They said what things should be produced; they said, 'We must have munitions of war'. They took by means of taxation and by methods of loan, control of the purchasing power into those things that were necessary for winning the war.
  That is what we are demanding shall be done in time of peace. As the nation was organised for war and death, so it can be organised for peace and life if we have the will for it".

 The man was Clement Attlee, later to become Prime Minister of the greatest reforming government in Great Britain in the twentieth century. Despite continued and repeated efforts to ameliorate what he did in the years between 1945 and 1951, by repeated Conservative governments his National Health Service (still the envy of the world and something that The United States of America despite its massive wealth, to is shame, has never contemplated) and much of his Welfare State remain in existence to this day.

 Indeed had he won further elections he intended to introduce even more radical measures in which land and capital was to be owned by the nation and used for the benefit of the community. He believed mankind was at its best when people were selfless and co-operated together to build a better world. The nation state, in his mind, was an anachronism and he believed passionately in World Government and a United Nations which, alone, would have an army and the teeth to settle the world's disputes, as a last resort, if necessary.

 He was both radical and reforming and would have been ashamed of Ed Milliband and New Labour with their war mongering and tame neo liberal policies, allowing the financial deregulation that allowed the crooks in The City to bring about the current economic crisis and massively force up the cost of housing for working people.

 So I am effectively disenfranchised, having shed tears as a boy when Mr Attlee was defeated, because his government had allowed me to have free bottle of cod liver oil and a orange juice as well as a doctor to tend to me when I was ill. I suspect that I am not alone in the world and that there are tens of millions of us who yearn for a New World Order. I may never see it in my lifetime but my children and grandchildren may hopefully one day pause and remember that I was one of those that pointed the way and that all is not lost. Great men have emerged before and, one day, the lions of social justice will roar into life once more.

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Saturday 28 January 2012

Anti-Americanism in Europe and Vice Versa

This image shows the number of people per squa...
Image via Wikipedia
united states currency eye- IMG_7364_web
Image by kevindean via Flickr
The gap between Europe and the USA is widening as the two cultures diverge and both become suspicious of each other. Europeans no longer look to the USA for leadership or money and there is a growing feeling that America is another, and very strange, country. I think it started during the Presidency of George Bush Junior, who was universally loathed in much of the world, with his gung-ho attitude to the world, his shoot on sight policies, derisory remarks about "Old Europe" and his invade at will doctrines. But Europeans have also fallen out in love with American culture, its products  and its ideas.

 America too is turning its back on Europe and looking towards Asia and the Pacific for new alliances. I travel widely and increasingly find that once you get out of the confines of Washington and New York and the big cities then Americans are more different in their attitudes and beliefs than most places around the globe. Indeed many of them have never heard of the United Kingdom, let alone Europe.

 If I can quote one example, of its many injustices against human rights, then its failure to recognise the Palestinian State and the genocide and starvation being inflicted on it by Israel is something which is incomprehensible around the world. And when the delegates to UNESCO had the temerity to Recognise Palestine as a member of that organisation America immediately withdrew funding from and organisation whose brief is to promote education, science and culture. There are many wonderful American's who recognise and worry about these problems but none of their presidential candidates on either side recognise this constituency, who like many in the world are effectively becoming disenfranchised, because somebody, somewhere soon needs to stand up and offer the people a progressive and humane alternative to those who run this rotten and corrupt world.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Why Salmond's Naked Tribalism is Bad for Scotland

First Minister Alex Salmond
Image via Wikipedia
Putting aside my natural distrust of scheming and opportunist politicians like Salmond, who purports to speak for Scotland, when the majority of the population have not even voted for him, or his party, as someone who is of half Scottish descent, I am outraged by the naked tribalism of his ambitions.

 I am not one who celebrates ethnic diversity, although I respect all creeds, ideologies and colours for the very reason that we should celebrate what unites us as a common race on this ever shrinking world of ours. The internet has removed  boundaries and we have gotten ourselves into a situation where we can destroy ourselves through war and man made disasters such as global warming.  These are problems, that united, we should tackle in common.

 If Salmond wants just one example, of many which I could cite, then he should look no further than the Israeli / Palestinian dispute for the problems that minority states can inflict on one another. He is clearly deluded by his own gross  pomposity if he thinks he owns Scotland's oil or fish, or industry when, in my constituency, these are resources that belong to mankind and not a politician on the make.

 His proposal to want a second question on the ballot paper, falling short of independence,  is both hypocritical and opportunist for a party that was founded on the principle of gaining independence for Scotland. No Alex you are a small minded and petty bookmark in history and the people of Scotland would be wary of heeding your populist cries when there are more important global issues at stake which affect all of mankind.
 Oh and Alex, on a personal level, though born in England, I regard myself as an internationalist but through having a Scottish father I am eligible to represent Scotland in most sports so shouldn't I also have a vote about the future of the nation as well.
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