Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Sunday 26 July 2020

Jerem Corbyn gofundme

It is reported that John Ware a reporter for Panorama is taking legal action for libel against former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.  The relentless attacks on Mr Corbyn, a man of integrity, honesty and humility cannot be allowed to continue and we have an opportunity here to offer him support in a practical way.  It will also let him know that his supporters have not forgotten him, nor have they gone away.

Updates (1)

  • 24 JULY 2020by Carole MorganOrganiser

    I wanted to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to everyone for the most amazing and overwhelming response to this fundraiser for Jeremy Corbyn. Although Jeremy did not know beforehand that I was going to start this campaign, Jeremy's office has been in touch and he is deeply touched by this outpouring of love and support from you all.

    The funds on this campaign will not be touched and remain on hold by GoFundMe until the details for distribution have been established with Jeremy's office and I will continue to provide updates as they become available.

    As you know, when I began this just over 24 hours ago, I wasn't sure what response I would get (why would I, I've never been moved to do anything like this before). However, like you, I am outraged by the unrelenting attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, a man who only ever wanted the best for the people of this country, and who lead with humility, integrity and honesty.

    These ongoing attacks, both legal and political drove me to want to do something about it, and to let Jeremy know he is not alone. Far too many injustices have, and are being leveled at Jeremy that I have no doubt that this fund will help support him in what he is facing. Through this fund, it will become known that Jeremy is NOT alone. He is NOT the few. He is one amongst the many and we have started a fight back!

    My gratitude to you all.


     As a result of this spontaneous wonderful selfless gesture by Carol Morgan the fight back on Jeremy Corbyn’s behalf has begun and the fund now exceeds £260,000. If you would like to make a contribution then please follow this. link.

Tuesday 14 July 2020


Palestinians reiterate call for targeted sanctions to stop Israeli annexation 

July 1, 2020
 / By   /
With Israel delaying its plans, tens of Palestinian civil society organizations said Israel’s ongoing annexation and apartheid demand international sanctions
July 1, 2020 – As Israel’s far-right government remained silent today about its previously stated plan to begin formal annexation of occupied Palestinian territory on July 1, tens of Palestinian civil society organizations representing the absolute majority of Palestinian civil society called for action, not just rhetoric, to stop Israel’s quiet, decades-long annexation and apartheid rule over Palestinians.
(Today's Palestinian civil society statement)
They reiterated their demand that the international community “impose lawful, targeted and immediate sanctions on Israel in response to its ongoing annexation, illegal military occupation and apartheid regime of racial discrimination, segregation and territorial expansion that is enshrined in Israel’s domestic law.
The statement was issued by the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council (PHROC), which represents eleven Palestinian human rights organizations. Other initial signers of the letter include leading Palestinian trade unions, mass women’s organizations, and the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), representing 69 Palestinian non-governmental organizations.
The unified Palestinian civil society statement said that Israel’s delay of its plans today was strategic: “With its silence, Israel hopes to silence global mobilizations that have compelled the international community to consider accountability measures and to safeguard its impunity.”
Their statement noted clear affirmations by a number of prominent experts of the illegality of de facto and de jure annexation of occupied Palestinian territory (OPT). The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said, “Annexation is illegal. Period. Any annexation.” Hundreds of international law scholars wrote that “De facto annexation entails the same legal consequences as de jure annexation.” Over a thousand European parliamentarians said, “Failure to adequately respond [to Israeli annexation] would encourage other states with territorial claims to disregard basic principles of international law,” while tens of UN experts said that Israel’s formal annexation of occupied Palestinian territory, which happened in occupied Jerusalem in 1980 and may still take place in other parts of the OPT, crystallizes a “21st century apartheid.”
Palestinian civil society reiterated its May unified call on all States and international organizations to respect their legal obligations by immediately implementing the following measures:
  1. A ban on arms trade and military-security cooperation with Israel.
  2. Suspension of trade and cooperation agreements with Israel.
  3. Prohibition of trade with the illegal Israeli settlements and termination of corporate business with Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.
  4. Investigation and prosecution of individuals and corporate actors responsible for war crimes/crimes against humanity in the context of Israel’s regime of illegal occupation and apartheid.
  5. Support efforts at the United Nations to reconstitute the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the UN Centre against Apartheid to investigate Israeli apartheid.

Whist Starmer averts his gaze...

They are coming to take us away.