2. A bit like band aid it is run by well meaning people and even more generous donors, who unlike the Wogan's and Geldof's, do not receive a knighthood, for their services to the cause. It salves consciences for a day but it is no more than a sticking plaster on a massive wound. In the meantime the auction houses of the world are making their largest profits in history from the rich who are buying into art and diamonds on a scale which dwarfs the money donated to these charities.
3. Chris Evans gets to auction rides in Ferrari's and arranges meets with celebrities for tens of thousand whilst Joe Blogs and Mary Humble struggle to pay their electricity bills to listen to his drivel.
4. In offices up and down the land people are bullied by peer pressure to throw money into buckets held by people who, for some reason that I have never figured out become cross dresser's for the day.
Miserable old git ain't I.
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