The remark about Pakistan has enraged public opinion there and also deeply upset those of Pakistani origin living in Britain. He forgot to add that they had suffered from terrorism on a gross scale and added insult to injury by making the remarks in India a rival of Pakistan in that part of the world.
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Whilst he has been abroad his mate Cleggy has been standing in for Cameron at Prime Minister's Question Time and also making a fool of himself. This Liberal Democrat quisling declared the war in Iraq to be illegal, whilst the official position of the government, in which he forms a very junior partner, is/was to support the war. His remarks may even have legal consequences should anyone in this country be brought to trial for war crimes.
The BNP must be revelling in the anti Pakistani remarks and I was interested to come across this discussion on a Birmingham City message board about the merits of the BNP or otherwise at Singing the Blues. I think it offers a fair cross section of peoples feeling about the BNP although the lead protagonist was a Canadian and Blues fans from Australia and a former New Zealander chipped in.
The only time I have ever received a death threat was when I wrote to the Plymouth Morning Post about the activities of a millionaire who supported the BNP's predecessors in the UK - the National Front. It is filed away in my black museum up in the loft.
Perhaps the most pleasant experience that I have had in my failed political career was to have lunch with the late Barbara Castle. She had a razor sharp mind and taught me a lesson that I have never forgotten. She was discussing the threat of the Conservative right to Great Britain and mentioned that the only newspapers that she took were the Conservative supporting Daily Telegraph and The Times. When I queried this she replied that in order to be able to defeat your opposition you must understand what they are thinking and saying. I have always followed her advice and being broad minded attempted to read the BNP's blog for the Horwich area of Bolton. I urge you to have a look, out of political fairness although I found it pretty tedious stuff -BNP Bolton area.
One of my most prized possessions is, "The Oxford Names Companion", published by OXFORD University press which claims to be the definitive guide to Surnames of the British Isles. It is uncanny how often it hits the bulls eye when I look up the surname of somebody and it has not failed me on this occasion. The leader of the BNP in the UK is a guy called Nick Griffin and when I looked up his surname surprise, surprise it said "Griiffin -a fierce or dangerous person".
One of my most prized possessions is, "The Oxford Names Companion", published by OXFORD University press which claims to be the definitive guide to Surnames of the British Isles. It is uncanny how often it hits the bulls eye when I look up the surname of somebody and it has not failed me on this occasion. The leader of the BNP in the UK is a guy called Nick Griffin and when I looked up his surname surprise, surprise it said "Griiffin -a fierce or dangerous person".
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