Whilst not removing the Winter Fuel Allowance from all pensioners the Clever Nick's in the ConDems are proposing:-
a) to make the allowance taxable or;
b) means test it or;
c) raise the age limit at which it will be paid.
The first is theft as is the second for as General Mongomery declared when collecting his first Old Age Pension he had paid his taxes for it all his life and was therefore entitled to receive the benefit, in full, when he had reached 65.
The third will mean more old people dying. This is a policy the ConDems seem quite keen on as thousands of people, but mainly children, will be injured or killed on our roads as a result of their decision to allow councils to detroy speed cameras.
Smug Clegg toured the televevision studios yesterday proclaiming in truimphal terms the acheivements of the ConDems first one hundred days of slashing and burning our public services. The talking heads, whom the TV news crews supposedly randomly select, seem to have taken the bait hook, line and sinker and almost unanimously seem to agree that these cuts are necessary to save the country. They seem to be economically illiterate not realising that the pace of the cuts will cause massive unemployment, poverty and misery.
Clegg is pushing the line that all of this misery will have been worthwhile when after five years the deficit is paid back and our schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, factories and offices have been closed down. This shows just how politically immature he is because the coalition will not last the journey. Simon Hughes, the high keeper of the Liberal Democrats conscience, does not have the balls like the rest of the Liberal Democrats to weild the dagger although Charles Kennedy and some of the elders like Steel and Campbell will probably make noises off stage. What will in fact happen is that there will be large scale civil unrest and strikes, of the type that brought Thatcher down, only on a much larger and more co-ordinated scale. The government will collapse and the Liberal Democrats will become, once again, a tiny rump in parliament for many generations to come.
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At times like this I once again turn to the greatest speech that I have heard in my lifetime to recharge my moral batteries.
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