She seemed concerned that they had been involved in that fight and said that "She would opt for peace every time".
Now this raises an age old moral dilemma which I have often thought about myself. You see I am not a pacifist although I have been against most of the conflicts that have occurred in my lifetime and have protested against many an unjust war and was a CND activist, although never a member of that fine organisation.
I do believe however that there are "Just Wars" and like to think that had I been old enough I would have taken up arms against Hitler and the terrible crimes that he was responsible for. Note the "like to think" for until I was placed into a position where I had to decide to take up arms I don't know honestly how I would react.
Firstly I would have to face the thought of being killed or injured and then: would I be prepared to kill somebody else? Thankfully I have never been forced into that decision but when faced with minor incidents in my life, where,what I consider an injustice has occurred, my instinct has been to stand and fight..
Which brings us full circle back to Ms Kirwan. I have Irish blood in me through my grandfather and mother on my paternal line and I think that I would have been proud to have had relations who stood up and fought for Irish independence. This is not to criticise her for taking a different point of view and dear reader I ask you to consider how you would react faced with this moral dilemma.
As for the ROI they have remained neutral in world affairs, giving great assistance in the past to UN peace keeping missions, and yet their politicians have been essentially conservative apart from Mary Robinson whom I greatly admire.
1 comment:
Prime Minister
- thanks for your comment on my blog and I found your own comments very interesting. Like you, I'd need to find myself in the situation before I'd be confident enough to say I'd fight or fly - although as a friend of mine said, I'd be a pacifist by instinct if not conviction.
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