Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Monday 31 December 2018

Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune.

 Why am I sat here, a few minutes before 2019, older but not wiser, wondering like old people do if I will be around this time next year? Anyhow a huge chunk of my life has been spent, trying to stop the bomb, and stop poverty, war and injustice and hoping that we could build a better fairer world where no chid dies from poverty or dirty water or exploitation or from war.
 I started out trying to do these seemingly impossible things just after reading Jack London’s, “People of the Abyss “ which graphically told how, in the late nineteenth century a few miles from where the Queen ruled over one of the largest empires in the world children were living in their own tawdry empire of filth and degradation want and ignorance. It confirmed me in  my own embryonic socialist beliefs, made me angry and prepared in 1957, if necessary, to take to the streets to do something about it, which I subsequently did in peace and hopefully with dignity.
 But it has all been a waste of time and nothing has changed. The world is still controlled by the 1% who sit in their gilded palaces, just like Queen Victoria did back, in Jack London’s time, only now they are destroying our beautiful  planet as well as grinding us into the dirt, with their lust for more and more money and power. Jeremy Corbyn needs to save us all now.
 This young man, a genius, a poet and songwriter, many thousands of miles away from me in the USA, at the same time was trying to do the same thing  but in the end the effort was too much for him and he took his leave of this dirty, rotten world.

 Here’s hoping that you may be able to watch the full film here. Don’t give up fighting, we all owe it to those that came before and those to come, if there is to be any future for them.

Sunday 30 December 2018

Salvador Allende: first speech to the Chilean parliament after his election.

 Extracts from this speech follow. How sad that almost fifty years later the hopes and dreams of all of us from that generation have not been achieved, but in many ways the world has regressed with the rise of neoliberalism which is also destroying the environment of our planet.

 Appearing before you in fulfillment of the constitutional mandate, I attribute twofold importance to this message. It is the first message of a Government which has just taken office, and it corresponds to unique demands in our political history.   
For this reason I wish to give it special substance, because of its present significance and because of its implications for the future.
For 27 years, I have attended this House, nearly always as a member of the parliamentary opposition. Today I attend as Chief of State, elected by the will of the people as ratified by Congress.
I am well aware that here were debated and established the laws which set up an agrarian structure based on big estates; but here too, obsolete institutions were abolished in order to lay the legal foundations of the land reform which we are now carrying out. Here were established the institutional procedures for the foreign exploitation of Chilean national resources; but this same Congress is now revising these in order to return to the Chilean people what belongs to them by right.
Congress makes the legal institutions which regulate the social order in which they are rooted; for this reason, for more than a century, it has been more responsive to the interests of the powerful than to the suffering of the people.
At the very commencement of this legislative period, I must raise this problem. Chile now has in its Government a new political force whose social function is to uphold, not the traditional ruling class, but the vast majority of the people. This change in the power structure must necessarily be accompanied by profound changes in the socio-economic order, changes which Parliament is summoned to institutionalise.
This step forward in the liberation of Chilean energies for the rebuilding of the nation must be followed by more decisive steps. The land reform which is now in progress, the nationalisation of copper which is only awaiting the approval of Plenary Congress, must be followed by new reforms - whether these are initiated by Parliament or by Government proposal, or by the combined efforts of both powers, or by plebiscite, which is a legal appeal to the foundation of all power, the sovereignty of the people.
We have accepted the challenge to re-examine everything. We urgently wish to ask of every law, every existing institution and even of every person whether or not they are furthering our integral and autonomous development. I am sure that on few occasions in history has the Parliament of any nation been presented with so great a challenge.
Once again, history has permitted a break with the past and the construction of a new model of society, not only where it was theoretically most predictable but where the most favourable concrete conditions had been created for its achievement. Today Chile is the first nation on earth to put into practice the second model of transition to a socialist society.
This challenge is awakening great interest beyond our national frontiers. Everybody knows or guesses that here and now history is beginning to take a new direction, even as we Chileans are conscious of the undertaking. Some among us, perhaps the minority, see the enormous difficulties of the task. Others, the majority, are trying to envisage the possibility of facing it successfully. For my part, I am sure that we shall have the necessary energy and ability to carry on our effort and create the first socialist society built according to a democratic, pluralistic and libertarian model.
The sceptics and the prophets of doom will say that it is not possible. They will say that a parliament that has served the ruling classes so well cannot be transformed into the Parliament of the Chilean People.
Further, they have emphatically stated that the Armed Forces and the Corps of Carabineros, who have up to the present supported the institutional order that we wish to overcome, would not consent to guarantee the will of the people if these should decide on the establishment of socialism in our country. They forget the patriotic conscience of the Armed Forces and the Carabineros, their tradition of professionalism and their obedience to civil authority. In the words of General Schneider, the Armed Forces are "an integral and representative part of the nation as well as of the State structure, that is, they belong both to the permanent and the temporary spheres, and are therefore able to organise and counter-balance the periodic changes which affect political life within a legal regime". Since the National Congress is based on the people's vote, there is nothing in its nature which prevents it from changing itself in order to become, in fact, the Parliament of the People. The Chilean Armed Forces and the Carabineros, faithful to their duty and to their tradition of non-intervention in the political process, will support a social organisation which corresponds to the will of the people as expressed in the terms of the established Constitution. It will be a more just, a more humane and generous organisation for everybody, but above all for the workers, who have contributed so much up to the present and have received almost nothing in return.
The difficulties we face are not in this field. They reside in the extraordinary complexity of the tasks before us - to create the political institutions which will lead to Socialism, and to achieve this starting from our present condition of a society oppressed by backwardness and poverty which are the result of dependence and under- development - to break with the factors which cause backwardness and, at the same time, to build a new socio-economic structure capable of providing for collective prosperity.
The causes of backwardness resided and still reside in the traditional ruling classes with their combination of dependence on external forces and internal class exploitation. They have profited from their association with foreign interests, and from their appropriation of the surplus produced by the workers, to whom they have only awarded the minimum indispensable for the renewal of their labouring capacities.
Our first task is to dismantle this restrictive structure, which only produces a deformed growth. At the same time, we must build up a new economy so that it succeeds the previous one without continuing it, at the same time conserving to the maximum the productive and technical capacity that we have achieved despite the vicissitudes of our under- development - and we must build it up without crises artificially provoked by those whose ancient privileges we shall abolish.
In addition to these basic questions, there is another which is an essential challenge of our time - how can people in general - and young people in particular - develop a sense of mission which will inspire them with a new joy in living and give dignity to their existence?
There is no other way than that of devoting ourselves to the realisation of great impersonal tasks, such as that of attaining a new stage in the human condition, until now degraded by its division into the privileged and the dispossessed. Today nobody can imagine solutions for the distant future when all nations will have attained abundance and realised the satisfaction of material needs and at the same time have assumed the cultural heritage of humanity. But here and now in Chile and in Latin America, we have the possibility and the duty of releasing creative energies, particularly those of youth, in missions which inspire us more than any in the past. Such is the aspiration to build a world which does away with divisions into rich and poor - and for our part, to build a society in which the war of economic competition is outlawed - in which the struggle for professional privileges has no meaning - in which there is no longer that indifference to the fate of others which permits the powerful to exploit the weak.
There have been few occasions in which men have needed so much faith in themselves and in their capacity to rebuild the world and regenerate their lives.
This is an unprecedented time, which offers us the material means of realising the most generous utopian dreams of the past. The only thing that prevents our achieving this is the heritage of greed, of fear and of obsolete institutional traditions. Between our time and that of the liberation of man on a planetary scale, this inheritance has to be overcome. Only in this way will it be possible to call upon men to reconstruct their lives, not as products of a past of slavery and exploitation, but in the most conscious realisation of their noblest potentialities. This is the socialist ideal.
An ingenious observer from some developed country which has these material resources might suppose that this observation is a new manner that backward people have found of asking for aid - yet another plea of the poor for the charity of the rich. Such is not the case, but its opposite. With the internal authority of all societies brought under the hegemony of the dispossessed, with the change in international trade relations stimulated by the exploited nations, there will come about not only the abolition of poverty and backwardness but also the liberation of the great powers from their despot's fate. Thus, in the same way as the emancipation of the slave liberates the slaveowner, so the achievement of Socialism envisaged by the peoples of our time is as meaningful for the disinherited peoples as for the more privileged, since both will then cast away the chains which degrade their society.
I stand here, members of the National Congress, to urge you to take up the task of reconstructing the Chilean nation according to our dreams, a Chile in which all children begin life equally, with equal medical care, education, and nutrition. A Chile in which the creative ability of each man and woman is allowed to develop, not in competition with others, but in order to contribute to a better life for all.

Our road to Socialism

To achieve these aspirations means a long road and a great effort on the part of all Chileans. It also implies, as a basic prerequisite, that we are able to establish the institutional apparatus of a new form of pluralistic, free socialist order. The task is one of extraordinary complexity because there are no precedents for us to follow. We are treading a new path. We are advancing without guides across unknown territory, but our compass is our faith in the humanism of all ages and particularly in Marxist humanism. Our aim is the establishment of the society that we want, the society which answers the deep-rooted desires of the Chilean people.
For a long time, science and technology have made it possible to assure that everybody enjoys those basic necessities which today are enjoyed only by a minority. The difficulties are not technical, and - in our case at least - they are not due to a lack of national resources. What prevents the realisation of our ideals is the organisation of society, the nature of the interests which have so far dominated, the obstacles which dependent nations face. We must concentrate our attention on these structures and on these institutional requirements.
The CIA arranged for Michael V Townleyto be sent to Chile under the alias of Kenneth W. Enyart. He was accompanied by Ado Vera Serafin of the Secret Army Organization (SAO). Townley now came under the control of  David Atlee Phillips who had been asked to lead a special task force assigned to remove Allende.
The CIA attempted to persuade Chile's Chief of Staff General Rene Schneider to overthrow Allende. He refused and on 22nd October, 1970, his car was ambushed. Schneider drew a gun to defend himself, and was shot point-blank several times. He was rushed to hospital, but he died three days later. Military courts in Chile found that Schneider's death was caused by two military groups, one led by Roberto Viaux and the other by Camilo Valenzeula. It was claimed that the CIA was providing support for both groups.
Allende's attempts to build a socialist society was opposed by business interests. Later, Henry Kissinger admitted that in September 1970, President Richard Nixon ordered him to organize a coup against Allende's government. A CIA document written just after Allende was elected said: "It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup" and "it is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the USG (United States government) and American hand be well hidden."
 David Attlee Phillips set Michael V Townley the task of organizing two paramilitary action groups Orden y Libertad (Order and Freedom) and Protecion Comunal y Soberania (Common Protection and Sovereignty). Townley also established an arson squad that started several fires in Santiago. Townley also mounted a smear campaign against General Carlos Prats, the head of the Chilean Army. Prats resigned on 21st August, 1973.
On 11th September, 1973, a military removed Allende's government from power. Salvador Allende died in the fighting in the presidential palace in Santiago. General Augusto Pinochet, sheltered by Margaret Thatcher when he visited the UK after they had both retired from active politics, replaced Allende as president.
 Chilean singer Victor Jarra, a poet, guitarist and folk singer, who was a friend of Phil Ochs was rounded up and along with other prisoners held in a football stadium. There the guards took him to a table in the centre of the stadium and smashed his fingers to pulp with their rifle buts and told him with mocking gestures to play his guitar. In a dignified way he walked to the terraces and conducted the prisoners, with his bleeding hands in an anthem in support of Allende. This was met with gunfire from the troops who killed Jarra and many others.

Friday 28 December 2018

Thursday 9 August 2018

Wednesday 18 July 2018

The last bastions of sexism and misogyny.

 Readers of this blog are encouraged to comment on its content and take part in healthy and stimulating debate on the issues raised. Indeed to paraphrase Churchill although I may not agree with the views expressed I will defend with all my might their right to express their opinions. In the “About me” sidebar to this blog is the statement ,  “ You will find no censorship here, so please leave a comment without having to get through a minefield of security questions , if you wish to do so.“ As you will see from the content the author is not afraid to tackle some of the controversial issues of the day, head on, and stimulating debate and opposing views are encouraged. Those who oppose what I have to say are as welcome to add their two penneth as those that agree as well as others who can add a valid additional, enlightening contribution.
 I do expect certain standards to be maintained however and derogatory remarks about gender, race, ethnecticity  religious beliefs, misogyny and sexism are unwelcome. 

 My two regular readers will be aware that this author is a lifetime supporter of Birmingham City Football Club and I occasionally have to apologise to  them when I have a rant on the subject.  It is not an easy life being a supporter of, “Blues” who have staggered from crises to crises throughout their history and the one rule that I apply to them is always to expect the unexpected.  One consolation however is that we do possess the finest football supporters anthem in the land, “Keep Right on to the End of the Road, courtesy of Harry Lauder and Alex Govan. The song includes many apposite lines:-

Ev'ry road thro' life is a long, long road, 
                                                Fill'd with joys and sorrows too,
As you journey on how your heart will yearn 

For the things most dear to you. 

With wealth and love 'tis so, 

But onward we must go. 

Keep right on to the end of the road, 

Keep right on to the end, 

Tho' the way be long, let your heart be strong, 

Keep right on round the bend. 

Tho' you're tired and weary still journey on, 

Till you come to your happy abode, 

Where all the love you've been dreaming of 

Will be there at the end of the road.

 Most football fanatics, saddos that they are subscribe to fans forums to exchange banter about issues concerning the club. I am also a member of  The Blues Trust which campaigns for fan ownership of football clubs or at least some form of dialogue with the club, or representation on the board.  Sadly most football forums remain the last bastions of sexism and misogyny.  This is a shame because not ony are some of the comments deeply offensive but women subscribers should be encouraged but it is my experience that they soon tire of, in Trump’s immortal words " locker room gossip".

 I post to the footymad site ( see “ Places I Visit  - Singing the Blues “  in the sidebar )  which for many years was the leading Blues supporters site. It had a lifelong Blues supporter as its moderator, who although he allowed the odd inevitable disputes was stringent on clamping down on racism, religious intolerance, foul or abusive language, homophobia, sexism and misogyny, and rightly so, as these fan sites are read by young children and teenagers, searching for the latest information or gossip about the club. The site was formed a very long time ago and was at its heyday in the 1990"s with a massive following and posters from all over the world, including a former New Zealand international centre back. The site however took a massive hit when the advertising became so intrusive whilst drafting posts and viewing the comments of others that people left in droves. Back in the 1990's blogging was in its infancy but, to its credit, the site listed " The Blues Bloggers " across the top of the forum and included such illustrious posters as FatBuddah, Rags, Kwaky, BlueTitch and yours truly.

 Some members of this fanzine migrated to a new kid on the block, Small Heath Alliance, which was also commercially run, but had a reputation for some abrasive posters and laddish behaviour and I am aware of at least two former STB posters who gave up after suffering all kinds of dogs abuse in response to their posts. There are rules in place for the Forum but I am afraid sexism and misogony have driven away most of the few female contributors. There was a recent example of this when Birmingham City F.C. announced that their female team was, in line with political correctness and modern thinking,  henceforth to be called " Birmingham City Women" and not the more gentler, "Birmingham City Ladies" which this old berk, stuck in the past, has a preference for. 

 The announcement was placed on Small Heath Alliance and resulted in a discussion thread in which a number of laddish but also deeply offensive sexist and misogynist posts were included. The thread can be read here, but I caution regular readers of this blog that terms and words are used which would not be permitted here.

 So there you go, even with the increasing popularity of women"s football and female referee's assistants, the neanderthals like Andy Gray and male posters on fanzines continue to mar the contribution to the sport for women with their remarks. I would suggest that one answer, as with the former STB moderator, is for the owners of these sites to make clear in their rules that this type of language will not be tolerated and for the moderators to enforce the rules.

 There was one peculiar and amusing anecdote to this tale, the irony of which would not have been lost on the likes of Oscar Wilde. With political correctness creeping into most areas of life, and certainly in the remit of the chiefs of the BBC, I posted the afterthought, tongue in cheek, that perhaps in some Orwellian future, the F.A. might make it obligatory that there should be mixed sex teams, plus members of the LGBT community, with the odd priest, vicar and mullah thrown in for religious equilibrium. Much to my surprise the post was banned with the moderator giving the reason that,  " What is being a member of a LGBT community anything to do with it ? No religion on the main board either, thanks". Ah, such is life.


I offered the site proprietor the right of reply and this was his response, which I thank him for. In response to his final paragraph the answer is  that I have always been prepared to challenge the views of posters, that I strongly disagree with, and if he cared to browse this site, and his, he will quickly see that I challenge those things which are abhorrent to me. He well knows the type of abuse that I would have got , if I challenged/ confronted the people concerned. They can answer for their posts on here if they wish to do so. I will, of course, accept his invitation to link to this blog from Small Heath Alliance.:-

I actually agree that football fanzines / forums can be misogynistic and homophobic but I feel that this is just a reflection of football and society in general. 

However I think that football forums in particular are a great agent for change, it allows people with wildly different values and beliefs to correspond with each other and talk about the issues at hand. Hopefully after reading or contributing to threads like the one linked some will change their minds. Surely people having that discussion is one of the main reasons that Blues Women changed their name so publicly. 

In the 17 years that I have run SHA it has always been my policy that so long as people could stay civil and within the laws of libel then no conversation was off limits. This policy has been pushed to it's absolute limits at times but in general it has worked and the community has flourished. 

The fact is that while some people have drifted away over the years there has never been a major schizm in the community. The fracturing of communities is a massive problem for forums and society in general, but as a believer in multiculturalism I think that it's important to listen, understand and confront the views of others. How can we do that if we actively prevent those views from being aired? By refusing to allow differing opinions to be aired then these people are ghettoised into smaller like minded communities where a filter bubble is created and views become more extreme as time goes by due to a lack of challengers. You can see this in action on sites such as Facebook and Reddit where communities like Britain First and r/The_Donald hold toxic groupthink views which then cause real problems in 'The Real World'. 

I actually think that your blog post is part of the problem, would ask you is why you felt the need to write a blog post criticising people from afar to an audience that you are confident will share your views, but you won't directly and publicly confront the people whose views you find so abhorrent. You should actually post it on the site and give the people who contributed to the conversation in question a right to reply too. 

Tuesday 29 May 2018


The fear barrier has been crossed in Gaza.

The following article first appearmed in Counterpunch.

Israel’s Premature Celebration: Gazans Have Crossed the Fear Barrier

60 Palestinians were killed in Gaza on May 15, simply for protesting and demanding their Right of Return as guaranteed by international law.
50 more were killed since March 30, the start of the ‘Great March of Return’, which marks Land Day.
Nearly 10,000 have been wounded and maimed in between these two dates.
‘Israel has the right to defend itself’, White House officials announced, paying no heed to the ludicrousness of the statement when understood within the current context of an unequal struggle.
Peaceful protesters were not threatening the existence of Israel; rock throwing kids were not about to overwhelm hundreds of Israeli snipers, who shot, killed and wounded Gaza youngsters with no legal or moral boundary whatsoever.
8-months old, Laila al-Ghandour was one of the 60 who were killed on May 15. She suffocated to death from Israeli teargas. Many, like her, were wounded or killed some distance away from the border. Some were killed for simply being nearby, or for being Palestinian.
Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump, daughter of US President, Donald Trump, ushered in a new era of international relations, when she and her companions unveiled the new US Embassy in Jerusalem.
She was ‘all smiles’ while, at the exact same moment, hundreds of Gazans were being felled at the border. The already dilapidated hospitals have no room for most of the wounded. They bled in hallways awaiting medical attention.
Ivanka has never been to Gaza – and will unlikely ever visit or be welcomed there. Gazans do not register in her moral conscience, if she has any beyond her immediate interests, as people deserving of rights, freedom and dignity.
At the border, many Gaza kids have been coloring their bodies in blue paint, dressing up in homemade costumes to imitate characters from the Hollywood movie, ‘Avatar’. They hoped that, by hiding their brown skin, their plight and suffering could be more relatable to the world.
But when they were shot, their blood gave them away. They were still human, still from Gaza.
The international community has already condemned Trump’s decision to relocate his country’s embassy to Jerusalem, and declared his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital ‘null and void’, but will it go further than mere words?
Will the international community remain trapped between hollow statements and no action? Will they ever truly recognize the humanity of Laila al-Ghandour and all the other children, men and women who died and continue to perish under Gaza’s besieged skies? Will they ever care enough to do something?
The plight of the Palestinians is compounded with the burden of having a useless ‘leadership’. The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, has been busy of late, demanding allegiance from the occupied Palestinians in the West Bank. Large signs and larger banners have been erected everywhere, where families, professional associations, unions and companies have announced, in large font: the “Renewal of Loyalty and Support to President Mahmoud Abbas.”
‘Renewal’? Abbas’ mandate expired in 2009. Besides, is this what Abbas and his Fatah party perceive to be the most urgent matter that needs to be addressed, while his people are being massacred?
Abbas fears that Hamas is using the blood of the Gaza victims to bolster its popularity. Ironically, it is a shared concern with Israeli leaders, the likes of Israeli army spokesman, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus. The latter said that Hamas has won the PR war at the Gaza border by a ‘knockout.’
This propaganda is as false as it is utterly racist; yet, it has persisted for far too long. It proposes that Palestinians and Arabs lack human agency. They are incapable of mobilizing and organizing their collective efforts to demand their long-denied rights. They are only pawns, puppets in the hands of factions, to be sacrificed at the altar of public relations.
It did not dawn on Conricus to note that, perhaps, his army lost the ‘PR war’ because its brutes shot thousands of unarmed civilians who did nothing, aside from gathering at the border demanding an end to their perpetual siege; or that, just maybe, the PR war was lost because Israel’s top leaders announced proudly that Gazans are fair game, since, according to Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, “there are no innocents in Gaza.’
Ivanka will go down in Israel’s history as a hero. But Palestinian Resistance is not fueled or subdued by Ivanka, but by the sacrifices of the Palestinians themselves, and by the blood of Laila al-Ghandour, who was denied even a celebration of her first birthday on God’s besieged earth.
The US government has decisively and blatantly moved to the wrong side of history. As their officials attended parties, galas and celebrations of the Embassy move, whether in Israel or in Washington and elsewhere, Palestinians dug 60 more graves and held 60 more funerals.
The world watched in horror, and even western media failed to hide the full ugly truth from its readers. The two acts – of lavish parties and heartbreaking burials – were beamed all over the world, and the already struggling American reputation sank deeper and deeper.
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, may have thought he had won. Comforted by his rightwing government and society on the one hand, Trump and his angry UN bully, Nikki Haley, on the other, he feels invulnerable.
But he should rethink his power-driven logic. When Gazan youth stood bare-chested at the border fence, falling one drove after the other, they crossed a fear barrier that no generation of Palestinians has ever crossed. And when people are unafraid, they can never be subdued or defeated.
More articles by:
Dr. Ramzy Baroud has been writing about the Middle East for over 20 years. He is an internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author of several books and the founder of His latest book is My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza’s Untold Story (Pluto Press, London). His website is:

Monday 14 May 2018


 Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day when the Palestinians were deposed of their land and houses which had been theirs for many, many years.. It was where they had put down their roots and generations had handed the keys to their homes from one to another. 
 When the state of Israel was created Following the 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as al-Nakba, the 700,000 Palestinians who fled or were driven from their homes were not allowed to return following the Lausanne Conference of 1949. After this the Palestinians were essentially left with Gaza and the Left Bank.Since then the Israelis have slowly stolen their remaining land, in contravention of UN resolutions, and built settlements and a huge and monstrous wall has been built by the Israelis dividing Palestinian from Palestinian.
 Gaza has become a concentration camp blockaded by the Israelis and the Egyptian military with thousands dying of starvation and lack of medical supplies. Ironically after the history of the Jewish people it is they that are now exterminating the Palestinian people. As Nakba approaches the people of Gaza are protesting, at the border fence, on Palestinian land created by the Israelis, and as they approach the fence are being mowed down in their hundreds from live fire, from the Israeli army who are acting like ruthless terrorists. 
Tomorrow is Nakba Day and thousands of protesters have been mown down by Israeli gunmen and the nations of the world, who preach to us about the evils of terrorism and radicalisation, will avert their eyes and do nothing. But we can act as individuals by supporting such organisations as the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund.  The Israeli government shames the Jewish people. May you go in peace.

Moments later this amputee was shot dead by Israeli IDF terrorists. Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told an emergency meeting of the Security Council that Israel had acted with restraint.