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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Why Salmond's Naked Tribalism is Bad for Scotland

First Minister Alex Salmond
Image via Wikipedia
Putting aside my natural distrust of scheming and opportunist politicians like Salmond, who purports to speak for Scotland, when the majority of the population have not even voted for him, or his party, as someone who is of half Scottish descent, I am outraged by the naked tribalism of his ambitions.

 I am not one who celebrates ethnic diversity, although I respect all creeds, ideologies and colours for the very reason that we should celebrate what unites us as a common race on this ever shrinking world of ours. The internet has removed  boundaries and we have gotten ourselves into a situation where we can destroy ourselves through war and man made disasters such as global warming.  These are problems, that united, we should tackle in common.

 If Salmond wants just one example, of many which I could cite, then he should look no further than the Israeli / Palestinian dispute for the problems that minority states can inflict on one another. He is clearly deluded by his own gross  pomposity if he thinks he owns Scotland's oil or fish, or industry when, in my constituency, these are resources that belong to mankind and not a politician on the make.

 His proposal to want a second question on the ballot paper, falling short of independence,  is both hypocritical and opportunist for a party that was founded on the principle of gaining independence for Scotland. No Alex you are a small minded and petty bookmark in history and the people of Scotland would be wary of heeding your populist cries when there are more important global issues at stake which affect all of mankind.
 Oh and Alex, on a personal level, though born in England, I regard myself as an internationalist but through having a Scottish father I am eligible to represent Scotland in most sports so shouldn't I also have a vote about the future of the nation as well.
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