Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Sunday 7 July 2013

The Death of the Left in Europe.

CounterPunch (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: John Pilger NS head shot
English: John Pilger NS head shot (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In Britain Ed Milliband continues to pursue electoral suicide by forging Blue Labour and attempting to become more Tory than Pinko Cameron. Whilst in France Hollande yearns for that country's colonial past, by despatching his military forces  into Africa,  and assisting the USA in an illegal act by preventing a plane carrying a country's President from overflying its airspace. Long gone is France's pride in being able to demonstrate its independence by keeping Nato at arms' length.
 In this country those once honourable publications of the left, The New Statesman and Tribune, are now  only good for chip paper whilst, surprisingly in the USA  " Counterpunch" is a vibrant, informative and intelligent  source of information with contributors of the highest standards such as John Pilger. It sees Obama for what he is - namely a terrorist and a liar, a placeman, whose role is to oil the greed of capitalism and protect is interests through world wide murder.
 This piece by Diana Johnstone exposes Europe for what it is - a servile satellite of the USA.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need a re- emergence of a revolutionary left based on peaceful socialist policies which appeal to all ethnic groups in Europe.
The disastrous policies of the neo- liberal fascists have failed and have brought poverty and misery to hundreds of millions of people.