Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Sunday 31 May 2015

Life at seventy.

So after all these years of working tirelessly, with a small band of brothers and sisters, to create a nicer world for those that will follow us nothing has changed. War, exploitation, hunger, poverty, the bombs ( dropped by drones these days) and capitalism and neo-liberal economics are triumphant and one of the few consolations is laughing at the lies of the politicians and the media.
 We may have lost most of the battles but the war for peace and an end to poverty and exploitation will continue and those that follow, I hope will know, that we tried and tried and that they can step over our graves knowing that they point them towards Jerusalem.
 Carpe deum while you can. And always. enjoy the ride of uncertainty which is, "The Blues"

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