Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Who is the mole in Corbyn's shadow cabinet?

Harold Wilson, UK Labour leader, at a meeting ...
Harold Wilson, UK Labour leader, at a meeting with US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Sandstone cliff, Corbyn Head "Th...
English: Sandstone cliff, Corbyn Head "The name Corbyn is a corruption of the 12th century corvanesse, 'the carved nose'" . This (mostly) red Permian sandstone cliff is above a little cove only accessible from the water. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Jeremy Corbyn has now announced the full list  of his members for the Labour Party shadow cabinet. Some of them, regrettably, are members who previously resigned in the failed plot to oust him.
 My own, perhaps cynical view, is that Corbyn should not have reached out to these people but surrounded himself with those that he knows he can trust.
 In his quest for the party leadership the usual suspects spoke out against him including the Kinnock dynasty. The patriarchal Neil was chief amongst them although his son Stephen made repeated and orchestrated media appearances to slag off the leader of his party. Let us hope that he is deselected by his constituency party before the next general election.
 I will return to Lord Kinnock in a more detailed post but his hypocritical rantings came from the mouth of a leading left winger during Harold Wilson's  time who constantly rebelled against the then party leadership. He was a disaster for the Labour Party, losing two elections when he had the opportunity to bring the Thatcher administration down. And he will be remembered most of all for his betrayal of the miners during their 1984 strike.

As usual, dear reader, I have diverted from my subject.
I can almost certainly guarantee that some or all of the rejoiners will resign from the shadow cabinet again at a time and place guaranteed to do the maximum damage to Jeremy Corbyn. Sadly, more on this later.

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