Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

The Anti Semite Mudslinging Caucus.

Urged on by Benjamin Netanyahu this caucus of anti Muslim racists are becoming a pestilential scourge in the UK urged on by a complacent media, some of whom themselves have a track record in this area. It is quite clear that their aim is to destroy Jeremy Corbyn for his consistent support for the Palestinians.

 The following is an extract from an article in Counterpunch by Andrew Levine  who himself is Jewish.

“Rebutting the claim that anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism is a tedious and frustrating endeavour – in part because those who think otherwise are willfully obtuse and determined never to change their minds. Engaging with them, even briefly, has given me a newfound respect for those who centuries ago took up the cause of convincing Europeans that, no matter how far they might go, they would not fall off the edge of the earth. It has also made me envious of Sisyphus. He had a similarly impossible task to perform, but at least he got good exercise and worked outdoors.

  Zionists in the UK have been more successful lately at giving Jeremy Corbyn, the Leader of the Labour Party, a hard time.
Inasmuch as Corbyn really is a socialist and also an anti-imperialist – and anti-anti-Semite – with an outstanding record going back many years, the opposition to him from the UK bourgeoisie is extreme.
The role UK Zionists have been playing in their smear campaign has been nearly as appalling as the role played by the Tory journalists NPR enlists to keep Americans misinformed and on program about the “institutional anti-Semitism” (whatever that is) in Corbyn’s party.
Not being Jewish, he could hardly be labeled a self-hating Jew; even ace conman Trump couldn’t pull that off. And because his record is so clear, he could hardly be labeled an anti-Semite either.
His opponents therefore had to settle with the claim that he is soft on anti-Semitism, a charge they support first by confounding anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, and then by pursuing a strategy of guilt by association.
To hear them tell it or intimate it, everyone to their left, by which they mean not only everyone whose domestic policies would, if enacted, cause the British bourgeoisie to go ballistic, but also everyone who thinks and acts in solidarity with oppressed peoples, suffers from the same problem. This puts them at odds with the Zionist project and in league with genuine internationalists everywhere.
Is this the kind of invective that Corbyn or Sanders or anyone else who, however mildly, sticks up for justice for Palestinians can expect to encounter?
It is hard to believe, inasmuch as it started from a higher plateau, but in this respect the post-Blair Labor Party is even worse than the post-Clinton Democratic mainstream."

Another person whom seems to share this view is George Gallagher. Say what you want about him but he is a superb showman, even when talking into a phone on a blasted heath somewhere in Scotland.

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