Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Con Artists.

 In their pre-Christmas press conference Clegg and Cameron looked for all the world like a couple of smooth talking con-artists. With the smooth suits, sleeked hair and shiny ties they looked as though they would rob your granny, which on the 3rd of January they intend to do by adding 2.5% to her cost of living.

 At the same time a Liberal Democrat deputy minister was telling a journalist that, "Cameron was not trustworthy".  Surprise, surprise however we now learn that Cleggy has always been a closet Tory. It would appear that while at university, Clegg had joined the Cambridge University Conservative Association between 1986 and 1987, with contemporary membership records citing an "N. Clegg" of Robinson College. (At the time, Clegg was the only person of that name at Robinson.) However, Clegg himself later maintained he had "no recollection of that whatsoever". He also has no recollection of most of the promises that he made to the people of this country before the general election. Con man, liar, grasping for power, whatever the cost. Beware.

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