Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Friday 22 August 2014

Beheaded and Beholden

Pete Seeger, "When will they ever learn" . The answer sadly seems to be never. I am anti-war, but not a pacifist and would have signed up to fight Hitler and his wickedness. Those students of history know that the Middle East has been a continuing cycle of an eye for an eye and the west blinkered support for Israel terrorists whilst aiding and abetting corrupt and cruel dictatorships and unelected, so called kingdoms, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt shames us.
Millions of Arabs, including hundreds and thousand of women and children have been burnt or blown to death whilst little outrage has been expressed. The Americans, with British support have bombed ISis and torn their bodies apart and incinerated them alive and then go into a frenzy of outrage when one poor unfortunate soul is brutally killed in retaliation. This is gross hypocrisy and their revenge will probably soon hit the streets of England and America.
The irony of all this is that Hague and Kerry covertly supplied ISIs with arms when they were attacking Assad, in the same way that they armed Sadam Hussein, when he was fighting Iran. For all our bombing and loss of British troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and the bombing of Libya these states are now controlled by tyrannies far worse than those we spilled blood over in our sad attempts to oust them. The prize for our failure in these areas has been to maintain control of their oil but we have lost. ISIS have established a kaliphate which we will not be able to defeat and Iraq will become three states controlled by the Kurds, The Sunnis and Isis and the third controlled by the corrupt Shia, whom we have backed. What has happened is a failure for the west and the loss of much British blood. 


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