Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Britain still ruled and run by elitist establishment

 This blogger is not surprised to hear that the top jobs in the public sector, including judges, civil servants and the heads of important public bodies are still held by a public school and Oxbridge elite . Thee BBC has in recent years, unfortunately reverted to its former role of becoming the voice of this establishment and it's news broadcasters, editors and presenters as well as it's top executives and board are part of it to their eternal shame.
 There is however one important omission from this  clique at the Corporation which is their website, which, on the whole, remains balanced and fair in its news output. My experience of decades in the IT and communications industry is that the vast majority of the techies involved are not from this elite and that those that are are of a far more liberal breed , such as TIM Berners Lee who gave the internet to the world for free, and those others in the open-source community who contribute Unix and the like,  unlike those who have since taken it over such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon who are naked tax avoiding old time capitalist crooks. It seems that the elite either do not understand the workings of this strange and technical underground, where people are totally dedicated or do not wish to work the massively long hours involved. This blogger says bollocks to them all and on with the revolution.

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