Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Friday 1 August 2014

Palestinian blood all over the hands of the United Kingdom Government.

The emblem of
The emblem of (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A model of the GCHQ headquarters in Cheltenham
A model of the GCHQ headquarters in Cheltenham (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Having worked in British intelligence I can vouch for the fact that HMG passes all of its intelligence on Hamas and the PLO directly to the Israelis. To their everlasting shame this has been going on for decades.
 The philosophy of the "Dirty Arab" has never left the Foreign Office since T.E. Lawrence's time and we have betrayed them for most of the last two centuries and the Balfour Declaration was all part of the plan. The fact that the Israelis are war criminals and terrorists is disregarded.
 I was once posted to the Middle East section at GCHQ and although all of the Arab countries were covered our non-democratic autocratic mates in states such as  Saudi Arabia and the other oil producing states and the State of Israel were not.
 Although I was tasked with covering Egypt (not friends of ours at the time with Nasser in charge) I produced an intelligence report which was not published. I enquired why this had happened and a few days lated was told, by the head of the Middle East section (M.J.) that it contained sensitive information about Kissinger and the Israelis and could not be published for the following reasons:-

  a) Kissinger had a veto over British intelligence containing detail of his activities that he did not want revealed.
b) Copies of all information on the Middle East was passed to the Israelis.

 I asked for an immediate transfer on the grounds of conscience and one day will take GCHQ to court for not revealing to me, on my appointment, the above facts as I may have unwittingly been responsible for the deaths of Palestinian people.
 It is time that the British Government roundly condemned the deliberate killing of children and women in Gaza and the stealing of Palestinian territory. It is also time that their underhand collusion, with a terrorist state, was revealed.
 Also the media in the UK will not report real information such as this this because most of them report to MI5 or MI6 or comply with the demands of the authorities so that YOU are not allowed to know the TRUTH.

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