Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Friday 25 January 2019

Britain has Lost an Empire but has Not Yet Found a Role.

In my post on Matthew Arnold’s ON DOVER BEACH I wrote about England as a lost land. Dean Rusk put it under his lens with the title piece of this post back in the Kennedy era.  We all know that sometimes it is necessary to place a magnifying glass over a cancer and watch it shrivel under the amplified power of the sun in order to destroy the disease that is  killing us.
 We have not freed ourselves from our past. We live in a fairytale world where we still have  Kings and Queens with their coteries of princes and princesses and dukes and lords and knights.  We live under a neo liberal system which most have never heard of  which was succinctly described as follows by

Seamus Cook:-

"The essence of neoliberalism can be reduced to the following: government should be used exclusively to help big business and the wealthy with tax cuts, subsidies, privatizations, anti-labour laws, etc., while all government programs that help working and poor people should be eliminated. It’s really that simple"

 We will never throw off the chains that hold us back until we throw off those yokes that bind us and all of us become citizens and not subjects. A new and vigorous land where our children and grandchildren will read in schools, and not Academies, about the exploitation of the people by Kings and Queens and corrupt and perverted knights only in their fairytale books.
 We need to be proud, not in a nationalistic sense,  but of the days when I was a boy and my primary school teacher tought me about a place called Birmingham, where they made everything that this country needed from a pin to a steam railway engine.  A place where Blake believed that Jerusalem was still yet to be built and Ewan McColl felt the need to chop it down like an old dead tree.
In so doing we must return to the socialism of Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson and at the next general election put our cross against The  Labour Party candidate, and bring Jeremy Corbyn in from the cold, to throw the money lenders from our temple and build a new modernising, caring and compassionate greater Britain.
 The issue however, is have the British, who have been comotised, on a diet of burgers and streaming films, got the cojones to grasp the prize. A French comrade thinks that the British will not
rise up like the yellow vests and cannot understand how we are allowing our infrastructure and support services to decay and colapse hour by hour
 and stand idly by.

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