Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Monday 21 January 2019

John McDonnell condemns 'call off the dogs' comments

 I have reclently been to the most packed labour party meeting that I have ever attended  where John McDonnell and one of his economic advisers gave us an insight into how the Labour Party would bring about a new dynamism in this country by investing in our decaying infrastructure. As an example Labour would take the railway back into public ownership and invest in the crumbling state of the track, the outdated rolling stock, and the appalling service currently provided by renta firm and ensure that we have a railway system, as good, if not better, than some of the superb services provided by such countries as France, Germany and Spain.
 I had never heard of him, although latterly I discovered, in Ken Livingstone’s biography that he was the economic chief in Livingstone’s cabinet when he was the Mayor of London.
  The first time that I heard him referenced was in a hatchet job by the BBC’s political correspondent Laura Kuensnburg in which she stated that many Labour MP’s would be disgusted if the party’s newly elected leader, Jeremy Corbyn appointed him as shadow chancellor. I’m delighted to say that the next day Corbyn duly appointed him to the job. Kuensburg had described him as a Marxist in tooth and claw who would endanger the economic future of this country if Labour were to win an election.
 It is well known that Corbyn has one hell of a job on his hands, in having to deal  with the large rump of Blairite MP’s, left in parliament, who are ideologically and personally opposed to him and have made several attempts in the past. and no doubt will do in the future, to undermine his leadership and embarrass him. One such MP is the vocal Chuka Umanna  and recently John McDonnell savaged him for trying to undermine Corbyn in this interview shown on the BBC website.

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