Weather in Brum Where The Sun Always Shines On The Blues.

Saturday 12 January 2019

Harold Wilson, Socialist.

Relatively early during the troubles in Northern Ireland Harold Wilson correctly predicted that there were storm clouds gathering. Presenting his '15 point plan' in the House of Commons, the central point of which was that the final settlement of the Irish question lay in unity, he stated that new initiatives had to be brought forward speedily because, 'if men of moderation had nothing to hope for, men of violence will have something to shoot for'.
He won more elections (four) than any other 20th century Prime Minister and some of his governments initiatives have proved to be far-reaching achievements. These include:-

the foundation of the Open University;
the liberalising of laws affecting homosexuals and obscene publications:
equal pay for women:
the voting age was reduced from 21 to 18;
the first medically verified criminal law against drunken driving was introduced;
censorship was banned in in our theatres:
the ending of capital punishment;
he pressed forward with the introduction of Comprehensive schools;
expenditure on students and teachers was increased;
as did the student population;
council house building was increased, with the proportion of council housing increasing from 42% to 50%;
prescription charges were abolished;
pensions were increased substantially;
farmers subsidies were increased;
social security benefits were markedly increased;
the holding of a referendum which ensured that we remained in the European Union.
He also gave us a national holiday to celebrate May Day and his coming to power in 1964 heralded the birth of the swinging sixties and in 1966 we won The World Cup.
 And yet for a prime minister who civilised the face of the U.K. and, in my opinion, excluding wartime, was one of the three most influential prime ministers of the 20th century that pratt(ling idiot) Andrew Marr in his book,  "A Mystery of Modern Britain" claimed that Wilson had a limited intellectual background ( he graduated in PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) with "an outstanding first class Bachelor of Arts degree, with alphas on every paper" in the final examinations, and a series of major academic awards ), a blinkered political judgement and the lack of substance behind the wisecracks and slogans. Marr. is a closet Tory and his biased verdict, on one of our greatest prime ministers,  is in stark contrast to those provided by the open university of our age Wikipedia. If Henry Ford thought that history was bunk then Marr must have learnt his history in the same infants school.
He was a powerful orator and some of his more legendary quotes survive to this day:-
A week is a long time in politics;
I'm an optimist, but an optimist who carries a raincoat;
The monarchy is a labour intensive industry;
The Labour Party is a moral crusade or it is nothing;
N0 comment - in glorious technicolour;
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery;
Whichever party is in office, the Treasury is in power.
When hit in the eye by a stink bomb thrown by a schoolboy his response was, 'With an arm like that he ought to be in the England cricket team.'
His premiership was fraught with problems however. He managed divisive cabinets many of whom had sharp intellects and inflated egos and, although he was thought to be paranoid at the time, it has since been proved that he was undermined by parts of the military and the security services.
He kept us out of the Vietnam war, despite American demands for the presence of British troops and it was also under Wilson that, for the first time in a century or so, A WHOLE YEAR passed without a British soldier being killed on active service.
How different to the cringing subservience by Tony Blair to George Bush or Theresa May to the Donald and their cringing assertions that Britain had a moral duty to go to war anywhere in the world where western values (whatever those are) are threatened.
 I am also very proud of the fact that the first constituency Labour Party that he joined was  the Liskeard Branch of my local Labour Party.
Nice one Harold.

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